Class XYScatterDataLabel

Example: The following example will add a data label to the xy scatter series. The data label added displays the y co-ordinate values for first series.

import com.cete.dynamicpdf.Document;
import com.cete.dynamicpdf.Page;
import com.cete.dynamicpdf.RgbColor;
import com.cete.dynamicpdf.pageelements.charting.Chart;
import com.cete.dynamicpdf.pageelements.charting.PlotArea;
import com.cete.dynamicpdf.pageelements.charting.Title;
import com.cete.dynamicpdf.pageelements.charting.XYScatterDataLabel;
import com.cete.dynamicpdf.pageelements.charting.series.XYScatterSeries;
public class MyClass{
       public static void main(String args[]){
           // Create a PDF Document
           Document document = new Document();
           // Create a Page and add it to the document
           Page page = new Page();
           // Create a chart
           Chart chart = new Chart(0, 0, 400, 200);
           // Get the default plot area from the chart
           PlotArea plotArea = chart.getPrimaryPlotArea();
           // Create a Header title and add it to the chart
           Title tTitle = new Title("Player Height and Weight");
           // Create xyScatter series and add values to it
           XYScatterSeries xyScatterSeries1 = new XYScatterSeries("Team A");
           xyScatterSeries1.getValues().add(112, 55);
           xyScatterSeries1.getValues().add(125, 60);
           xyScatterSeries1.getValues().add(138, 68);
           xyScatterSeries1.getValues().add(150, 73);
           xyScatterSeries1.getValues().add(172, 82);
           XYScatterSeries xyScatterSeries2 = new XYScatterSeries("Team B");
           xyScatterSeries2.getValues().add(110, 54);
           xyScatterSeries2.getValues().add(128, 62);
           xyScatterSeries2.getValues().add(140, 70);
           xyScatterSeries2.getValues().add(155, 75);
           xyScatterSeries2.getValues().add(170, 80);
           // Create xyscatter data label
           XYScatterDataLabel xyScatterDataLabel = new XYScatterDataLabel(true);
           xyScatterSeries1.setDataLabel( xyScatterDataLabel);
           // add xyScatter series to the plot Area
           // Create axis titles and add it to the axis
           Title title1 = new Title("Height (Inches)");
           Title title2 = new Title("Weight (Pounds)");
           // add the chart to the page
           // Save the PDF
           document.draw("[PhysicalPath]/MyDocument.pdf" );